
Insurance Answering Service

Maximise customer satisfaction and efficiency. Ruby Receptionist is your insurance answering service partner.

24 Hour Answering Service Icon

Answering Service

Virtual Receptionist Icon With Red Colored Hair

Australian Based Receptionists

No Lock In Contract Icon

No Lock In Contract

Phone Answering Service Perth Receptionist

Insurance Answering Service: Companies We Support...

Insurance Answering Service Logo
Insurance Answering Service Mobile Logo

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Unlocking Call Potential

In the insurance industry, missing incoming calls can lead to missed opportunities, impacting insurance companies significantly. Balancing customer experience with operational tasks is daunting, as each missed call potentially loses a prospective customer or weakens an existing client relationship.

This issue not only hampers client relationships but also stunts business growth. Insurance agents must juggle phone calls, schedule appointments, and address queries without compromising service quality.

Ruby Receptionist offers a tailored service for insurance agents, ensuring no phone call goes unanswered. We enhance the customer experience, strengthen client relationships, and foster business growth by efficiently managing calls.

Receptionist From Ruby Receptionist Making A Call For A Temporary Answering Service.

Empowering Insurance Success

Upgrade business communications. Our answering services tailor to insurance agencies, ensuring excellent service round the clock.

Phone Answering Service Sydney

Efficient Routing

Never miss a call

We expertly handle routing calls and urgent calls, prioritising your business needs.

Growth Chart

Customer Care Enhanced

Happy customers, thriving business

Our virtual receptionists boost customer satisfaction through exceptional customer service..


Operational Freedom

Gain time, save money

Outsourcing to us reduces overhead costs significantly, compared to employing a house receptionist.

Surgeon Answering Service

Professional Answering Solutions for the Modern Surgical Practice.


$19/ month*


MessageExpress 25

$60/ month*


MessageExpress 50

$100/ month*


For Larger Plans Click Below

$19/ month*


MessageExpress 25

$55/ month*


MessageExpress 50

$95/ month*


MessageExpress 100

$165/ month*


MessageExpress 200

$325/ month*


For Larger Plans Click Below

$29/ month*


Virtual Receptionist 20

$69/ month*


Virtual Receptionist 50

$175/ month*


For Larger Plans Click Below

$29/ month*


Most Popular

Virtual Receptionist 20

$69/ month*


Virtual Receptionist 50

$165/ month*


Virtual Receptionist 100

$295/ month*


Virtual Receptionist 200

$550/ month*


MyAssistant /

$49/ month*


MyAssistant 20 /
MyDiary 20

$85/ month*


MyAssistant 50 /
MyDiary 50

$150/ month*


For Larger Plans Click Below

Most Popular

MyAssistant /

$49/ month*


MyAssistant 20 /
MyDiary 20

$79/ month*


MyAssistant 50 /
MyDiary 50

$139/ month*


MyAssistant 200 /
MyDiary 200

$435/ month*


MyAssistant 400 /
MyDiary 400

$835/ month*


What Our Clients Say...

Having worked with over 25,000 businesses, our clients have a lot of good things to say about Ruby…

Your Service Has Allowed Me To Take Back Control Of mY Incoming Calls

The Live Answering Service is an invaluable asset to my business. Running a small business means you must wear many hats and can not always answer an incoming call. Your service has allowed me to take back control of my incoming calls.

I lost up to two hours a day with phone call interruptions. Now I can quickly scan my email messages and choose how and when I respond, and if something is urgent, I am made aware, and call transfers take place.

My clients are always impressed with the service and often comment on how professionally their calls are answered.

Tim Donovan

Director – Director/Support – Real Advantage Solutions

I recommend Your Services to Anyone Require An Answering Service

By accident, I found you guys some three years ago, initially deciding to use you to assist with cost cutting.

Today we continue to use your services. We found your answering services designed and equipped with the necessary information to handle our calls efficiently. Your answering services make a huge difference when we receive a customer call. They direct customer and supplier inquiries straight to the relevant person.

Not only is this incredibly cost-effective, but it is also very personalized, and our virtual receptionist doesn’t take holidays, sick days, or superannuation. I recommend your services to anyone requiring a phone answering service.

Vince Monardo

Director – Haddonstone Australia

Ruby Receptionist: Your Call Strategy Ally for Business Continuity and Customer Loyalty

Why Choose Ruby Receptionist

Choosing Ruby means prioritising quality service and business objectives. Our Australian-based receptionists bring professionalism to every call.


Benefit from professional customer interaction services tailored for the Australian market.

Always Available

Our 24/7 call answering service ensures business continuity, whatever the time of day.

No Lock-In Contracts

Enjoy the freedom to scale services according to your business goals and financial plans.

Access Anywhere

Our free mobile app and web portal offer you control and real-time insights into customer interactions.

National Presence

Use our 1300/1800 numbers to establish a wide range and professional image across Australia.

Seven Days Free

Experience our high-quality services with a 7-day free trial, showcasing our range of services.

Appointments Simplified

Our appointment setting service ensures efficient call routing and management, freeing up your schedule.

How Our Answering Services Work

A Design Featuring One Smaller Circles, One Larger Circle, And A Red Circle With The Number '1' In The Center.
Get Started With Ruby Receptionist Icon

Get Started

We onboard you and understand how you would like our receptionist to answer your calls.

Visual Representation: Two Circles, Overlapping With Distinct Colors, Creating An Eye-Catching And Balanced Composition.
Client Calls Icon

Client Calls

You forward your calls to us; we then answer calls on your behalf.

A Depiction Of Two Circles: One Larger With White Background, Featuring A Red Inner Circle And Number 3 At The Center.
We Answer Icon

We Answer

Our team answers your calls with your chosen greeting.

Visual Representation: Four Circles With Varying Sizes And Colors, Creating An Abstract And Dynamic Composition.
We Update You Icon

We Update You

We will update you via email or SMS.


FAQs About Our Insurance Phone Answering Service

How can Ruby Receptionist streamline operations for insurance companies?

Ruby Receptionist’s insurance answering service enhances operational efficiency for insurance companies by adeptly managing business phone calls, scheduling appointments, and routing calls. This comprehensive support allows your staff to concentrate on essential tasks, significantly boosting customer satisfaction. Moreover, our service plays a crucial role in fostering business growth and strengthening client relationships, ensuring that every capture service opportunity is maximised. By entrusting your call management to us, your business can achieve streamlined operations and enhanced service delivery.

What benefits do insurance agencies gain from Ruby Receptionist's services?

Insurance agencies benefit from increased customer satisfaction, efficient appointment scheduling, and a professional customer experience. Our virtual receptionists provide exceptional customer service, turning every phone call into an opportunity to strengthen client relationships and foster loyal customers.

How does Ruby Receptionist ensure high-quality service for insurance clients?

Our dedicated staff of Australian-based receptionists are trained to understand the nuances of the insurance industry, offering high-quality customer service and professional caller experience. This ensures prompt responses to inbound calls, elevating the customer experience and client satisfaction.

Can Ruby Receptionist handle high volumes of calls during peak times for insurance companies?

Yes, our virtual receptionists are equipped to manage high volumes of business calls, ensuring insurance companies maintain excellent service during their busiest times. This capacity helps prevent missed calls, ensuring potential customers and active customers are always attended to.

How does Ruby Receptionist contribute to business growth for insurance agencies?

By providing exceptional customer service and managing incoming calls efficiently, Ruby Receptionist helps insurance agencies build strong client relationships, leading to business growth. Our service also allows agencies to focus on strategic business decisions without being bogged down by business interruptions.

What makes Ruby Receptionist's answering services unique for the insurance sector?

Ruby Receptionist offers answering services specifically tailored to the insurance sector, focusing on customer satisfaction, emergency claims handling, and appointment scheduling. Our wide range of services and no lock-in contracts provide flexible, cost-saving solutions for insurance agencies.

How does the 24/7 service benefit insurance companies with emergency claims?

Our 24/7 call answering service ensures that insurance companies can handle emergency claims promptly, any time of day. This responsiveness is critical in the insurance industry, enhancing customer experience and trust in your insurance services.

What cost savings do insurance businesses experience with Ruby Receptionist?

Insurance businesses enjoy significant cost savings with Ruby Receptionist by eliminating the need for a full-time house receptionist and reducing overhead costs. Our service for insurance companies is designed to be more economical while still delivering high-quality services.

How does Ruby Receptionist enhance the customer experience for insurance clients?

Ruby Receptionist’s insurance answering service significantly elevates the customer experience for insurance clients through prompt responses to common questions and professional caller experience. Our remote receptionist team, known for being friendly receptionists, is dedicated to delivering excellent service. This approach not only ensures high customer satisfaction but also builds a strong foundation for customer loyalty, distinguishing your insurance business in a competitive market.

Can Ruby Receptionist handle calls for all types of insurance businesses?

Absolutely. Ruby Receptionist’s insurance answering service is versatile, catering to insurance companies, financial planners, and other insurance-related businesses. Our virtual receptionists are adept at handling basic questions, appointment booking, and emergency claims, offering a customizable caller greeting for each business type.


Our Out-of-Hours Answering Services Answer Customer Calls Across A Range Of Industries

Our 24/7 out-of-hours answering service efficiently answer calls even outside regular working hours.

Accounting Answering Service Icon


Our virtual receptionists and call-answering services assist accounting businesses in streamlining their phone answering

Allied Health Answering Service Icon

Allied Health

Our telephone answering services support allied health professionals to operate with increased efficiency

Construction Answering Service Icon


Ruby Receptionists’ Construction Answering Service offers a comprehensive solution for your communication needs.

Contractor Answering Service Icon


Our contractor answering service means a real person will be answering your phones

Corporate Answering Service Icon


Our corporate services are flexible enough to integrate seamlessly with your business requirements

Dental Answering Service Icon


Our dental answering service is designed to help dental clinics streamline their operations.

Franchise Answering Service Icon


Our virtual receptionist and call-answering solutions help franchise businesses systemise their business phone calls across all locations

Legal Answering Service Icon


Our legal answering service for lawyers and law firms is designed to meet the specialised needs of the legal industry.

Medical Answering Service Icon


Our medical answering services are designed to support medical professionals and clinics.

Visual Representation: Contract Document With Signatures, Symbolizing Legal Agreement And Commitment.

Property Management

Our property management answering service can help your business with a range of tasks

A Visual Representation: A House With Architectural Details, Roof, Windows, And Door In Color White Background.

Real Estate

Our real estate phone answering services help both agencies and agents

A Visual Representation Of A Red-Colored Store On A White Background.

Small Business

Our live phone answering services provide a the perfect solution for small businesses

Accounting Answering Service Icon


Our virtual receptionists and call-answering services assist accounting businesses in streamlining their phone answering

Allied Health Answering Service Icon

Allied Health

Our telephone answering services support allied health professionals to operate with increased efficiency

Construction Answering Service Icon


Ruby Receptionists’ Construction Answering Service offers a comprehensive solution for your communication needs.

Contractor Answering Service Icon


Our contractor answering service means a real person will be answering your phones

Corporate Answering Service Icon


Our corporate services are flexible enough to integrate seamlessly with your business requirements

Dental Answering Service Icon


Our dental answering service is designed to help dental clinics streamline their operations.

Franchise Answering Service Icon


Our virtual receptionist solutions help franchises systemise their business phone calls across all locations

Legal Answering Service Icon


Our legal answering service for lawyers and law firms is designed to meet the specialised needs of the legal industry.

Medical Answering Service Icon


Our medical answering services are designed to support medical professionals and clinics.

Visual Representation: Contract Document With Signatures, Symbolizing Legal Agreement And Commitment.

Property Management

Our property management answering service can help your business with a range of tasks

A Visual Representation: A House With Architectural Details, Roof, Windows, And Door In Color White Background.

Real Estate

Our real estate phone answering services help both agencies and

A Visual Representation Of A Red-Colored Store On A White Background.

Small Business

Our live phone answering services provide a the perfect solution for small businesses

Want to have your customer calls answered for free?

Test our answering services with your FREE 7 day trial.

Have questions about our Insurance phone answering service?

Please fill in your details, and we will reach out.


* = Required Field

Send us a message. We will get back to you ASAP.

We’d love to hear from you if you have any enquiries. Please fill in your details below and we’ll reply as soon as possible.