The Next Reason To Choose Ruby Is Our Software
We use the latest call management software and it is all “user friendly”. You can easily log into the software and change your greeting or update your message settings, it’s a very easy and capable platform. Changing greetings is an especially good thing to do during festive holiday periods or when you have had a big success and you want to share the news with customers.
You can make changes to your service any time you like 24/7, using whichever phone, tablet or laptop you are using. One of the big benefits of the Virtual services world is flexibility and convenience, that’s one of the key reasons services like virtual offices, virtual receptionists and virtual assistants were developed. Going virtual is a refreshing change from the static restrictive business environments of the past. With Ruby receptionist you can upscale your services or downgrade or cancel whenever you want – we’ll never insist on restrictive long term contracts.